
What's new in Social Media | Week One

Each week we're going to write a blog on what's new in social media ensuring you can stay up with, and hopefully ahead of the trends. We hope you enjoy this blog and we welcome feedback and contributions to this regular blog.

Google Hangouts

Google hangouts isn't new. It's a similar format to Skype with video and voice calling capabilities. However, we feel it is an under utilised tool for those wishing to implement video conferencing in their organisation. For those who are on Gmail it's very easy to set up. External guests can join the video call, if invited, without having a Google account by using the meeting URL you provide them in their calendar invitation. They'll be able to participate in the video conference, but may not be able to chat and have access to Hangout apps or other features. It's a great piece of kit when requiring multiple people from across the country to join the meeting. You don't have to pay for the software like Go to Meeting or deal with the issues that flaw Skype's performance. We definitely recommend giving this application ago for future conference calls.

Instagram - Multiple Accounts

It's about time phone based app Instagram caught up with the play, allowing users to access multiple accounts without having to sign out and into another account to post. Especially since Twitter's had this feature available for some time now. The ease of switching between accounts has made managing a personal and a business account much more feasible.

This new feature allows you to switch between up to five accounts from one app. The majority of the time it seem to work well. One glitch we've found is that you need to re-link each specific page to each account as you swap between as it defaults back to your timeline each time. We love what you're doing Instagram - just fix this bug and we'll become happier users.

Facebook - Live Video

Facebook launched live video for iOS back in December and at the end of February they rolled it out for Android. We watched a live QnA of Six60's recently, where fans could post a question in the comments section of the video in the hope their question would be answered live by the band. Now don't all rush to start live streaming the in's and outs of your office or the life of you as a public figure just yet. This feature is only available in the US and for verified pages or public figures who use Mentions.

This isn't something new Facebook's created either. Periscope has been doing this exact thing since its launch in March 2015. It integrates with Twitter, notifying your audience and those around the world using the platform at the time, that you're streaming live. Anyone can write comments and join in the 'conversation.' 

I feel this move from the Social Media giant, is just another measure to prove that they still have skin in the game and are in control of the social media sphere. 

But watch this space. They suggest they are going to rank live video's higher in viewers News Feeds because on average, 3x more time is spent watching a Facebook live video compared to a video that's no longer live. I'm still skeptical - who has the time to watch live video's all the time? Won't they soon become classified as 'no longer live' so viewership will drop anyway? One to keep an eye on I suggest.

Social Media Management - Seven handy hints

Social Media can be very overwhelming at times - multiple accounts, different platforms, never enough time. So how best do you manage it?

We're a fan of Hootsuite and recently came across a blog they'd written, which simplifies the process of selecting the best Management software for your social media strategy. Have a read of these 'Seven must have features for Social Media Management Tools.'

Of course if you really are short on time give us a call. We offer a 30min FREE consult as part of our service, so you know, and we know, you're getting the best possible solution for your social media strategy and ultimately your business.