
What's new in Social Media | Week Three

Instagram Algorithms

The day before Instagram was set to update their algorithms, if you checked an Instagram newsfeed, you’d swear the sky was falling. Every other post was a “turn on notifications” post.  If you felt so inclined to turn on notifications then the next day you may have regretted this decision as you received a push notification for every new photo that account posted.

Account holders were stressing that with the new format viewers wouldn’t see their posts as rather than the traditional chronological order, posts that are most relevant to you now come to the top of your feed.

So if there’s an Instagram account you love, and you don’t want to miss a single amazing post then jump to the settings bar in the top right hand corner of the account you wish to follow and turn on notifications. Otherwise, you can let Instagram do what all good social media platforms do best and that’s choose what content they think you want to see first and pop it into your newsfeed

Grass Roots Media NZ is on Instagram too. Find us at @grassroots_media

Instant Articles

As at 12 April the ‘Instant Articles’ format that was rolled out in 2015 will be available to all publishers big or small.

Today Facebook is so much more than just a social media platform. Countless people use Facebook as a news and information source. So to ensure ease of information sharing, Instant Articles is just that.

When you tap on an article it loads instantly and all audiovisual content begins with auto play. Facebook’s aware of the length of time it took for articles with large amounts of content to load, which was restricting that contents’ reach. Readers soon lose interest if they were unable to access information within the first eight seconds of tapping on a link.Opening up the Instant Articles ;feature to all publishers is a beneficial move for Facebook. Allowing publishers who are commonly print based to move into a digital format more seamlessly, expanding the scope of Facebook as a platform.


If you believe that Pinterest is a platform left to that one person you know who’s really into arts and crafts, you’re mistaken. You're actually missing out on a business opportunity. We know of designers who use it to share boards with clients. This allows them to gather and share ideas seamlessly and allows the client to see the process from research to development of their piece of working. It really makes them feel part of the journey.
Here’s some of the latest facts and figures on how and why you shouldn’t be leaving Pinterest to the crafty Cathy’s of the world.

Podcasts – The new blogs?

The early 2000s saw the birth of the Podcast - a mysterious world of the spoken word. Podcasts can vary from fictional, biographical to educational. Some top Podcasters not to miss include Lena DunhamAlec Baldwin and The Worst Idea of All Time - a Podcast by Kiwis Guy Montgomery and Tim Batt, basically reviewing the movie Grown Ups 2.

Radio NZ  has a series of shows and segments that cover the New Zealand Primary sector. One of which is called “Country Life”, telling the unique stories of Kiwis in agri. These stories are also available as Podcasts.

The neat thing about Podcasts is that they can be about absolutely anything, and the fact that it’s only audio gives the audience the freedom to take part anywhere at any time, a feature that significantly overtakes the blog if you don’t fancy yourself as much of a reader.

If you’re interested in getting into Podcasts of your own, the website Radiolab is a hub of Podcast wisdom and tips.

Of course if you really are short on time give us a call. We offer a 30min FREE consult as part of our service, so you know, and we know, you're getting the best possible solution for your social media strategy and ultimately your business.