
What's new in Social Media | Week Seven


Hootsuite  is a super handy tool if your social media campaigns are a bit more of a sideline to your business's marketing strategy. In a nutshell, Hootsuite is a scheduling tool. There's a plethora of platforms that Hootsuite covers and there's a range of ways that you can view, schedule and review your posts. 

We'll be the first to admit that at first glance Hootsuite isn't the most straightforward or glamorous platform to use. Once you get a handle on it (which often just comes from playing with a number of different features) it makes a reasonable amount of sense.

You're also able to download analytics through Hootsuite, but prepared to pay for the privilege. However, all the information is in one place making understanding what's most effective in your marketing super simple.


Fiverr - "five-er"? "fever"? "fiiverr"? However you say it, it's an awesome concept. Basically it's a website where you can list and source your freelance services. The trend hasn't quite caught on in New Zealand but in the USA Fiverr users have listed a myriad of potentially sought after skills and talents, reflected by the massive number of Facebook likes they have. 

More Twitter Tricks

Twitter is a curious beast - some people hate it, some people love it. One thing that makes twitter unique is the fact you only have 140 characters to spin a yarn. However, a few Tweeps out there have figured out how to cheat the system a little. 

First, send a tweet as you normally would… but end it with an ellipsis or a cliffhanger of some kind.

Next, reply to your own tweet... You can do this from your own stream. There’s no need to leave the @mention of yourself in there. Remove it so you don’t look like you’re talking to yourself.

Now, visitors who see the first tweet (or either of them) in your stream can see the full length of the super-long tweet by clicking the View Conversation link. 

If you don't mind flooding people's newsfeed temporarily it's definitely the way to go. 

Want to know more? We offer a 30min FREE consult as part of our service, so you know, and we know, you're getting the best possible solution for your social media strategy and ultimately your business.