
What's New in Social Media | Week Nine

Roll, Baby Roll

If you're anything like us, here at Grass Roots Media your cellphone is an extension of your hand, as a result you take snaps of everything and anything - because you never know, it might be great web content one day!

You will probably have several thousand photos lurking in the depths of your device that you never end up seeing again. Your saviour is here, in the form of The Roll.The Roll rates your photos and categorises them based on location and topic, it's a little bit creepy... But also VERY handy for organising your photos!

The app gives your image a percentage rating, puts them in a searchable category and gives you the option of deleting similar images that didn't make the cut. Magic!

Coping with the Instagram Algorithm change

We've definitely noticed the change in Instagram's algorithm. If you're wanting some tactics on how best to work with the changes we've nabbed some tips from The Social Media Examiner website.

  • It may be time to cut your losses... In short there's a lot of mediocre content on the web and Instagram is no different. So to help you see what you really want to see, it may be time to do a manual purge of any accounts that don't inspire, motivate or speak to you creatively.
  • The account notifications... A few weeks ago there was a serious panic that everyone HAD to turn on notifications for the accounts you loved or else you were never going to see a post from them…..ever…..again! It turns out this was quite correct, so while you're purging the accounts you don't want to see, it may be worthwhile turning on notifications for your favourite accounts so you don't miss a thing.
  • Interaction... One thing that has always been a part of Instagram is interaction. If you love an image, let that person know! Use a mix of words, emojis and a like of their image to let them know. When you include a comment as well as a like, someone is far more likely to check out your account to see where it came from.
  • Desktop Instagram has also changed, there's three new buttons in the top right hand corner. The compass has suggestions of accounts you may like. The heart is your notifications, and the human figure is your own profile.
  • Video is also a bit different, videos can now last up to 60 seconds and engagement is measured in number of views rather than likes. A view counts as the user watching the video of 3 seconds or more.

Edit that Video - Quik

An extremely exciting discovery, is this free app created by GoPro. Video creation has never been quicker, easier or possibly more fun! Just typing about the features doesn't really do it justice, I implore you to download it, and have a turn.

You can merge videos and images, and then use a range of fun editing tools for transitions, filters and even add your own background music.

Here’s our first video using Quik. We’d love to see your’s. Share them with us on our Facebook page or post them to your Instagram account and tag @grassroots_media.

Of course if you really are short on time give us a call. We offer a 30min FREE consult as part of our service, so you know, and we know, you're getting the best possible solution for your social media strategy and ultimately your business.