
What's new in Social Media | Week Twelve

Slack <3 Trello

Here at Grass Roots Media we love using both Slack and Trello!
Here’s a quick overview of each platform.


  • An online, customisable, information hub. You can add web addresses, text, photos or attachments to separate or link lists.
  • It’s great for brainstorming, taking notes on classes (as seen below) or for reminders of videos to watch or blogs to read.
  • It allows for multiple boards which you can arrange easily on your dashboard by topic. This is great when being used in a team environment with multiple contributors, allowing you to further build on the information you’re collating.
  • Under each board you can add cards, which are great for sub-headings relating to the topic. This is where you save your content.
  • There is also an app for Trello, which gives you the same functionality as the online version.

If using the free version you’re limited to the personalisation of your Trello account but unlock the gold version and you can really bring it to life. All the more fun for those creative types!


An online and app based communication tool.

  • Conversations are organised into channels and it is aimed at a team working environment - especially useful when working remotely!
  • Slack also collaborates with other frequently used programmes such as Survey Monkey, Twitter, Google Drive, Asana and around 15 more including Trello!
  • It’s  perfectly in sync between the PC site and your phone app making conversations seamless.
  • One downside is if you’ve been using Slack on your computer, then need to switch to your phone because you’re on the move, unless you shut down the Slack tab on the computer it won’t send notifications to your phone. No one likes missing notifications!!
  • We also love how simple it is to drag and drop images, PDFs, files and spreadsheets straight into the conversation!

*Top tip: make sure your channels are set up appropriately, open vs private for example. More information here.  

A new Trello bot was released last week, pairing applications Trello and Slack. It allows direct sharing of boards from Trello, to a chat within Slack! This brings perspective to any conversation by automatically displaying key board and card details when shared in a Slack channel. Even better, it reduces the need to switch back and forth between platforms to join a card or add a due date!

You can currently only link one Trello team to one Slack team. With ‘/invite@trello’ being your key to inviting Trello in to Slack

FYI - To link your Trello boards to your Slack conversation, you will need to be admin of your Trello team.

Now you can Bring your Facebook comments alive!

Have you noticed?!

Earlier this month Facebook employee Bob Baldwin announced at its 50th Hackathon that Facebook had;

"prototyped the ability to upload a video into comments and replies on posts, because they wanted to enable more engaging and immersive conversations.”Reading about how they coded the new feature is fascinating to anyone who is just slightly geeky and also gives quite the insight into the complicated art of computer programming!

Try it out by popping a video into the comments of this blog on the Grass Roots Media page! Any favourite funny cat videos doing the rounds?

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