
What's New in Social Media | Week Thirteen

Wordstream - Facebook Calculator

Do you use Facebook ads?

Do they work well for you?

Could you be using them more efficiently?

If you have a Facebook page where you need to convert views into sales, this little tool will be especially useful. Wordstream allows you to access your organic reach analysis, a ‘cost to reach’ calculator and learn more about your targeting options.

The new, free, 'Facebook Opportunity Calculator' allows you to find out more about your:
  • Overview, - your current reach and follower engagement
  • Potential Reach - How many people could see the post
  • Cost Calculator - How much it will cost based on how many you would like to reach
  • Lookalike Audiences - Facebook can learn who your target customer is and find more people like them
  • Remarketing Calculator - Get your ads viewed by people who already follow the page.

Your Facebook page already has a fantastic ‘Insights’ overview that looks at how your page is performing. This goes further with some snappy statistics and shows you your potential reach if you were to pay to boost a post.

How much will this cost though?

Well with a very handy infographic, Wordstream demonstrates it for you! A simple, effective way to make the most out of your advertising.

Check out the tool here for more information and further useful statistics.

Find your phone!

Admittedly, here at Grass Roots Media, we LOVE Google. From Drive, to Docs, to Hangouts to Calendar - we use it all and they’ve just found a way to make us love them even more.

This is Android Device Manager. It was released at the beginning of the month and benefits both iPhone and Android users. iPhone has had this nifty feature for a while now, so for those Android users, we’re pleased to announce you can now do the same!

Check out the finer details here

Have you heard the latest on Snapchat?

Snapchat has grown as much in one year as Twitter has in four years combined.
We follow some excellent, photographically beautiful and storytelling Snapchatters from all around the globe. What stands out to us and encourages us to continually engage with these brands, personal and business, is a mix of:

  • Image/ streaming quality
  • Photo framing skills
  • Witty overwrites
  • Great commentary
  • Travel and location variation

Do you use snapchat?

Is your username easy to find?

Do you mention it across other media mediums to gain followers?

We’ve all got a story to tell - have you told your story using Snapchat lately?

Here at GRM we believe that you ALL have a story to tell and we want to hear it. Perhaps you could incorporate a Geofilter!

What is a geofilter you ask??

Some locations around the world have a geofilter matched to them! Meaning, if you go to a town where one is already in action, take a snap with your GPS enabled mobile device and swipe right as if you were popping a filter over the picture. Keep swiping until the name of your location pops across the screen. Boom you've now added a Geofilter to your snap!

It can be hit and miss around NZ but I managed to find ones in both Oamaru and Dunedin!

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