
Whats New in Social Media | Week Seventeen

As Pinterest matures into monetisation, we're about to see an expansion of its advertising including a new keyword search.

The platform is preparing to offer keyword-based buying search to marketers, says Pinterest’s head of global sales Jon Kaplan.

This feature will work in a similar way to Google Ads, giving marketers much deeper metrics around audience-based buying units.

There will reportedly be over 400 points of data marketers can access to understand user behaviour and preference.

#funfact - There are over 2 billion searches performed on Pinterest every month, and over half of all pinners use the platform to browse or shop for products. While 75% of repinned content originates from brands.

Oh the places you will… Shop

Did you know you can now SHOP with Pinterest? Last week they rolled out buyable Pins on web and added a new shopping bag so you can shop for multiple items wherever you are!

Pinterest has partnered with 20,000 merchants—big and small—to bring over 10 million unique products to your boards and see how cool this is -->

Look what’s coming over the next few weeks. For those interior design lovers, see an entire room full of interactive dots. Click on the items you like and voila! You can learn more about the item then directly save it to your shopping bag.

This is going to be dangerous (on the wallet) and interior design is not where this will stop - just imagine the possibilities! Great to see Pinterest leading the way with new, inventive thinking.

Do you use Snapchat for business?

Direct from Copenhagen comes the new analytics app - Snaplytics!

After signing up, every hour, Snaplytics pulls data to provide you with the most up-to-date and thorough metrics. It then goes a step further by displaying it on a beautiful dashboard.

In way of measuring reach - You can view the amount of unique views the first snap in a story received.

You can find out the number of total screenshots for all of the snaps in a story. You can also dive deeper and see which snaps got the most screen shots to pinpoint which content actually resonates with your followers.

Then you have ‘Completion rate’ - this is the percentage of followers that saw the entire story from the first snap to the last snap. It's comparable to retention rate on other social networks.

Snaplytics also counts all of the unique usernames that have seen your snaps and this provides an estimate of total follower count.

Now there IS a cost! It starts at $179/month/account - so make sure you do your research to decide whether this handy tool could add value to your business.

#Art404 #somethingdifferent

Look what we stumbled across in Instagram this week!

The theory and visual effect of it is stunning but I’m not sure if replicating this is something we’ll be doing any time soon, but hey, 2017 isn’t all that far away, so you never know what’s around the corner! ;)

We’d recommend following @michanotfound if this is right up your alley! Check out more art and clever creations over at Art404

We have no idea how he does it but let us know if you’re keen to take up the challenge of the Instagram mural!

Chanelle O’Sullivan is Grass Roots Media's Social Media specialist. She originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, she is now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.

Follow her on Instagram.