
What's New in Social Media | Week Twenty Eight

With our November theme of Global Agriculture, CHANGE becomes a key word. The extreme rate of change in our world right now is unlike any other. Just as I typed this I got an Instagram Story notification of yet another update for Live Video ability. I had only updated it a week ago for the Story-Boomerang function!

This is just a tiny example of the speed companies are working at staying relevant, ahead of their competitors and on top of their consumer demands - like alternative proteins in way of plant based 'meats' or insects - which you can read about in Julia Jones' blog from earlier in the week.


Now I'm conflicted. I have JUST (like, 2 minutes ago) done my second live stream on Facebook! I personally find it a little uncomfortable as I know that I don't have a strong verbal filter (though I find it's finally improving!)

It was just a quick 25 second 'Hey, look!' from sunny and hot Nelson at 6.30am!

Now I've finally lost my live streaming virginity - we have just been given another option to live stream in the form of InstagramLive! (By just - I mean the official word came through halfway into the writing of this article.) 

At this stage I still feel more inclined to use Facebook than Instagram, as Facebook is still the biggest player. In terms of size though, the smaller audience of Instagram story is what makes me love it! Around 150 views per story image or video for me feels a little more intimate (No, not like that!) so I'm having a blast using Instagram Story and, I could be wrong, but I don't think the live video function for Instagram will be quite as popular as the Facebook version - or as Snapchat for that matter.

I guess we'll wait and see!

 "It’s easy to go live — just swipe right from feed to open the camera, tap the “Start Live Video” button and start sharing for up to an hour. Your friends may get a notification when you go live so they can tune in. While you’re live, you can pin a comment for everyone to see or turn comments off altogether" - InstagramIt has rolled out for me so hopefully it has for you too! Tag us in one of your live vid's and tell us about it!

Don't be a SLACK-er

'Teams' is looking to be the new 'Slack'!

Teams pulls together Microsoft's heavy hitters in one place: Office, Skype, and Power BI to name a few. With could storage and multi-device communication - it's looking promising!

Although it's clearly a direct competitor to Slack, it comes as a heavy hitter with Microsoft programs being integrated with it like built in access with OneNote.

  • Add tabs to provide quick access to frequently used documents and cloud services
  • Explore data and take quick actions with bots
  • Pull in Connectors for updates from third-party party tools and services 

All you need to get started is Office 365, go to settings, Microsoft teams and turn it on.

Happy exploring!

With Instagram and Snapchat having some cross-over features - have you wondered which one will give you the largest reach, most impact and best return on investment of your time?

The team here at Grass Roots Media have been enjoying the Story function of Instagram lately and have played with filters, boomerang, tagging people into them and even live streaming as I mentioned above!

The stats here tell us that in 5 years time, Instagram is likely to be favoured over Snapchat so hopefully this gives you a hint as to where to focus your efforts for maximum future impact.

Chanelle O’Sullivan is Grass Roots Media's Social Media Specialist. She originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, she is now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.

Follow her on Instagram.