
What's New in Social Media | Week Thirty

#Giveaway #Instagram #Freestuff

Chances are you have used Facebook for competitions and giveaways in the past - but have you run one on Instagram that ISN'T linked to the same Facebook competition?

Do you want to grow your Instagram followers?

This could be a good way to do it. Instagram, as you know, works a little differently to Facebook and that can be a good thing but it does mean you have to approach them from a different angle.

When running a competition on Facebook you would often ask people to do a selection of likes, shares, tags and comments (Aligning with Facebook's contest rules of course) but on Instagram we alter that slightly.

People love having fun - that's a given - so that's what we need to do here to grow your followers and essentially, your business.

Firstly, download an image app like Pixlr onto your phone or use Canva on the PC. This is where you can use multiple photos and/or wording to get most bang for your buck. Don't forget to focus on image quality and simple wording - It needs to capture attention quickly

The one I just whipped up here was made on my phone with Pixlr in about 3 minutes flat - super quick and I hope, effective!

There are 5 main ways to run an Instagram Competition:

1. Like to Win - Easy to run. Simply ask people to like the image and draw a name from the list.

2. A #hashtag train - Ask for photos, create a unique hashtag to link all photo entries together. For example, based on the image I have here - #winanoti #otiorganisercomp #oticomp.

3. Selfie with product - Get entrants to take a selfie with (or without) the product or something related and use the key hashtag and ask them tag your business into it.

4. Voting contest - A little more time consuming and may get less entries but can be good if you are after a specific result or image from your audience and want to really encourage participation.

5. The Loop. The dreaded loop... I only say dreaded as my one experience with it has been that it must have been about 40 bloggers rallied together! The loop seemingly never ended and I gave up after half an hour of chasing my tail. My advice here is to NOT go crazy and cap it at an absolute maximum of 10-12! This is where a group of businesses put up an item to giveaway and you must like all of their pages to gain an entry.

Hopefully this gets you started and encourages you to give an Instagram-only giveaway a try!

Is Facebook the new LinkedIn!?

This week, Facebook said it was testing a feature that would let page administrators create job postings and receive applications from candidates.

OK, no, It’s not at this level yet, there’s still be a long way to go before Facebook becomes the key platform for job listings. But it could. The framework is there, the data, the scale.

Will Facebook become the new LinkedIn?

In case you haven't noticed - I am a big fan and believer in the power of social media (for good!) especially Facebook so I personally believe this would be a fantastic function to add to Facebook's already enormous 'can-do' list - Bring it on I say!

Live streaming made EASY!

Do you have a need for live streaming option that's quick, easy, embed-able and HD?

Perhaps for something of more professional nature like a conference, webinar or Q+A?

Well have we found the tool for you!

"Live video for the next generation. Whether you're a business, coach or teacher, Crowdcast is the simplest way to connect live."

Crowdcast looks AMAZING. I'm just going to quote right from their page here because I couldn't have said it better - '

'Everything—including registration, the event, and automatic recording—is accessible through one URL. Send emails to your audience within the app, accept payments on the registration page, and focus fully on delivering a great event with our intuitive, beautiful interface.'

There are a range of costs associated but with the option to charge your audience, it wouldn't be difficult to gain back that monthly cost.

This is certainly something Grass Roots Media will find useful in the future and there is a great chance you may find it useful too!

Chanelle O’Sullivan is Grass Roots Media's Social Media Specialist. She originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, she is now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.

Follow her on Instagram.