
What's New in Social Media | Week Thirty Five

Sometimes I wonder, what's actually new this week? What have I found?

This week - no wondering is needed. I have found the holy grail of apps to help me survive 2017!!
I don't know about you but I have to-do lists everywhere. In my diary, on unsynchronised sticky notes on my phone and laptop, hand written on scraps of paper and if I'm really losing the plot - on the top of my hands!
Well I have just solved this ongoing dilemma and I am suddenly confident that I won't completely loose my mind or forget a thing in 2017.


Last night I was getting desperate - there must be an easier way to combine all my work and personal projects in one place. Into the app store I typed 'to do list' and the one that immediately cause my eye was Wunderlist. Firstly - cool name. Secondly - EXACLTY what I was looking for.

Sleek, stylish, simple and all encompassing.

I feel like this image above tells you all you need to know. On the left, your projects. Click on one and bring up the individual tasks. Add a due date if desired and save.
This app is downloadable across PC, Apple and Android and is free. It attaches itself to an email address of your choice and synchronises between devices in real time AND it emails you when you have a task due! You can also collaborate with others by sharing your lists, print them or use as a shopping list.
It also makes a satisfying 'ding' when you tick one off - what more could you ask for ;) At this stage I am feeling like it has just saved my year and I am one happy camper.

Instagram Stories - Upgrade

Did you know, 150 million people worldwide now use Instagram Stories? 
If you follow me (@justafarmerswife) you'll know I have somewhere between 4 and 8 on average each day depending on what I've been up to. I have certainly found follower numbers to increase since using this function and I actually just quite enjoy it. (It is also quietly quite interesting to see who is regularly viewing it too...)

Now, however, if you have set up your Instagram profile as a business, you should soon be able to see metrics around reach, impressions, replies, and exits for individual Stories.

Ads will also be available to the masses in Stories soon too. The are currently being tested with select partners including Nike, Netflix, and Qantas.

Clever - and who know's what's next!?

ThinkViral Manual

ThinkViral LLC has released a Social Media Operations Manual for small businesses and corporations called the "SmartSocial System." The book focuses on having a weekly social media process and covers everything from what to post, to who to talk to online and to how to track results.

ThinkViral team members said the "SmartSocial System" is the exact same process their own social media managers have been using to bring success to their clients for over five years.

This sounds like a great idea - It doesn't take away a need for businesses like Grass Roots Media purely due to the time that needs to be spent by businesses on their social media marketing plans as well as the benefits of contracting work out than employing a full timer but I can see how it may be useful to smaller businesses if you are really ready to put the work in and learn to analyse the results out the other side.

Chanelle O’Sullivan is Grass Roots Media's Social Media Specialist. She originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, she is now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.

Follow her on Instagram