
What's New in Social Media | Week Thirty Nine

Facebook recently explained that Live video will soon be able to host two-person remote broadcasts, allow you to schedule streams, and create virtual waiting rooms where viewers can hang out ahead of live streams. You can also add MSQRD masks and face filters to your profile during a live stream!


Two-person broadcasting will also let you live stream with individuals in different locations. 

This will be fantastic to feature interviews, or cross to other locations during a stream. The update will presumably gives brands more creative options using Live.
All this work improving Facebook Live appears to be paying off with users now spending three times longer watching live streams than regular videos.
Here is the only sneak peak I can find! ----->
The updates are slated to launch later this year, first with Verified Pages, then for the rest of us. Unfortunately, if you are anything like me with poor internet, live streaming isn't a very fun exercise!

Clever AND consistent!

As reported by TechCrunch, Facebook had another strong quarter in Q4 2016, earning $8.81 billion in revenue. This represents a 53% jump from the same time last year.
During the past year, Facebook’s daily active users number rose 18% to 1.23 billion people. This means that you can potentially reach 18% more people on Facebook!

According to Facebook’s chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg:
“Facebook now has 4 million paying brands, along with another 500,000 on Instagram.”

Did you know?

65 million businesses are using Facebook Pages, and there are now over 5 million business profiles on Instagram.

  • 400 million people use Facebook Messenger audio and video calling each month
  • The average price per Facebook ad rose 3 percent during the fourth quarter of 2016

Facebook Ads is a powerful advertising channel, but only if you nail your audience targeting and know how to evaluate your ad cost. - Get in touch with us if you would like to learn more about how to target your Facebook ads to get the most out of your budget!

Live Stories Rolled Out & Competing with Snapchat

Live stories are now available globally, including the ability to view and broadcast these stories. You may notice when scrolling around on Instagram that a pop down comes across saying '@agwomen is now streaming live' - Click here and see an instant live feed. I recently came across one by NZs favourite hollywood star of the moment - Reese Witherspoon!

The team here had fun with this in Martinborough in December when it was JUST released at an evening Christmas concert! We had a blast even with only 2 'Live' viewers ;)
Instagram also seems to be testing a new format of posts that allows users to display multiple images and videos. Sound familiar? It’s the exact design of carousel ads, but it would be available for use to all users as regular posts.... Perhaps useful for businesses in the near future?
I'm relatively sure I have already come across this from international brands so it looks like it won't be too far away! It will also be well utilised when Instagram launches it's new 'shoppable' posts/images!

Android Messenger + SMS update

Android users, Have you seen this? You can now get your SMS messages in Messenger.
"Today we are enabling people to use SMS in Messenger for Android to communicate with their family, friends and phone contacts. What this means is you will now have the choice to be able to send and receive your SMS/texts in Messenger and will not have go to different screens on your phone to communicate."
For those who have an updated Android;
1. Open Messenger and tap on Settings (the person icon)2. Select “SMS” from the list3. Turn on “Default SMS app"
Now you can view and respond to your SMS conversations in Messenger. Your SMS conversations will be in purple and your Messenger conversations will be in blue.

The feature is only available on Android. However, when you send an SMS message, the recipient can be on any platform.

Facebook says SMS in Messenger doesn't send, upload or store your conversations on Facebook servers. All messages are sent and received via SMS. Standard SMS, regular text fees apply. Regular, non-SMS messages sent/received on Messenger will continue to use data.

Here at Grass Roots Media, we are personally a little dubious as what information is ACTUALLY able to be read by Facebook and other programmes so we have chosen to disable the function. 
Do your own research though and see if it's something you trust and would like to use to streamline your communication channels.

Chanelle O’Sullivan is Grass Roots Media's Social Media Specialist. She originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, she is now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.

Follow her on Instagram