
What's New in Social Media | Week Forty Two

#Update - Instagram Story

Yes you heard correctly! Yet another Instagram story update that looks remarkably familiar... 
Geofilters, stickers, temperature, time and different ways to write. All we need now is filters and it will be nearly identical to Snapchat! As I have mentioned before, yes I do prefer Instagram stories personally and have recently increased from around 140 views per day to 180.
Do you want more viewers? One way to do this is by keeping posts frequent. This means your icon will show in the first 5 across the top of your newsfeed and be more likely to be looked at. Also, if you can tell a story and be interactive including videos and chatting you are more likely to get return viewers.

Make videos better!


Rocketium  is one of the simplest (and FREE!) ways to create overlaid-text videos for your social media and content marketing campaigns. Use it to create quick videos (like BuzzFeed’s Tasty series that you'll see when people share horrifically unhealthy recipes) to fill out your social profiles.

As this is a completely visual programme, here are all the examples as well as a video. To put it plainly - 'Put words over videos.' Easy peasy.

Slack Bot ft Yala

"Yala is a chatbot that makes use of machine learning to know the best time to post to multiple social networks. Yala's ingenious algorithm can increase your exposure and receive better engagement on the items you’re sharing."  Slack is the platform that Yala integrates with
If you use Slack, you need the Yala bot. This free tool uses machine learning algorithms to identify your social following’s most active times and lets you auto-schedule “series” of posts from within Slack. Yala currently works with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and exploring offering a similar service through Facebook Messenger. To get started you just need to add the Slack button.
If you are already using Slack then it could be a useful additional tool. Here at Grass Roots, we tend to use Hootsuite for scheduling and automatic time posting, especially within Twitter but it's great to know the alternatives and I'd love to hear if you have used it and would recommend it!

Chanelle O’Sullivan is Grass Roots Media's Social Media Specialist. She originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, she is now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.
Follow her on Instagram