
What's New in Social Media | Week Fifty One



#FindOfTheWeek - I have JUST discovered this! Isn't it amazing what is readily available to help create images without the need to a professional graphic designer! Of course, my skills are not anywhere near professional but this is going to be a fantastic tool for me until I have a designer on tap ;)

Thankfully they have a quick simple demo guide to give you the run down and from then on, it's up to your imagination AND a google image search of 'Infographics'!

'Here's what I prepared earlier'

Not tooooo shabby for a novice right? Room for improvement but you get the idea. Great for presentations, slideshows, kids exam learning and more! Let me know if you give it a try - I'd love to see what you come up with.


It's world 'what' day? Well, funny you should ask! Something we really enjoy doing at Grass Roots Media is celebrating international days! To give you an example, today is World Milk Day! Last Sunday was was World Burger Day (Any excuse, right?) and tomorrow is 'Leave Work Early Day' - Yep, it's official - tell the boss and keep an eye out on what our team gets up to for the day.

To find more ideas on days to have some fun with across your social media channels, have a look here and for my personal favourite image from World Milk Day from Pukeko Pastures check this out!

Facebook Algorithms

I don't think there are many people out there who understand the ever changing Facebook algorithms!
I found some information about it this week that may help you understand it better from Social Media Examiner with an excerpt below. It also gives you information around how to optimise your content for Facebook.
It's quite a long read but could be a game changer for your business - Otherwise save yourself the time and stress and get us to do it for you!


When you first open your news feed, Facebook’s algorithm takes an inventory by looking at all of the stories posted by your friends and the pages you follow (in the same way Adam checked to see what was on the menu).


Facebook then considers all available data and tries to make an informed decision about how interested you may be in a certain story. Facebook calls this data “Signals”. There are hundreds of thousands of them that Facebook considers to rank your content, such as who posted a story, what phone a user is on, what time it is right now, how much bandwidth you have, and so on. (More on these signals below.)


Facebook then uses these signals to help make predictions and calculate the probability of certain outcomes; for example, how likely you are to comment on a story, share a story, spend time reading a story, and so forth.


After making these predictions and calculating the probabilities, Facebook consolidates the information to calculate a “relevance score,” a number that represents how interested Facebook thinks you may be in a certain story. It’s worth noting that Adam made a point of stressing that Facebook doesn’t really know how interested you are in a certain story; it’s an educated guess at best.

Chanelle O’Sullivan is Grass Roots Media's Social Media Specialist. She originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, she is now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.

Follow her on Instagram