
Pinterest from a business perspective

Pinterest is by its very nature a visual medium: everything on the site you post is an image. Images are the fastest and most direct form of communication we have.

Pinterest is extraordinarily sticky: users spend more than an hour and a half on the site every month, sharing and resharing content. It’s a site that's very easy to get lost in, so retaining the user’s interest is key. Therefore the more varied and interesting your content is the better.

Pinterest is a viral marketing machine: more than 80% of content consists of repins. Users actively promote your company for you. In fact 70% of brand engagement on Pinterest is generated by users themselves, not brands.

Although social media can be a fairly time consuming practice depending on how many platforms you choose to use, it's also the key way for a small business to develop awareness, raise its profile, gauge its market and interact with existing and future customers.

Rich Pins

The difference between an enhanced (Rich) product pin and a regular pin of a product is the enhanced pin shows current pricing details and has a direct link to the product page. Regular pins require the user to enter the price (which can only be updated by the user) and the link only pops up when someone hovers over the image.

By adding the Pin It button to your product pages, you will automatically encourage Pinterest users to pin your products. This also goes for images on your blog posts and other pages throughout your website. This means it’s essential to ensure that every page has a great image.

Any Pinterest user who has pinned your product will be notified by email when the price of that product drops. It doesn’t matter if the user has never visited you site or signed up to your email marketing, they will still receive this product specific email.

This is directly targeted email marketing that you can completely trust to deliver a personalised message about a product you know the consumer is definitely interested in with a genuinely tempting offer.

Pinterest is a lot more than beautifully styled bathrooms and hairstyle inspiration. If you are a business owner, jump on and have a look around.

Is your business missing out on valuable and easy gained traffic by not being on Pinterest?