
Facebook Messenger Ads: Real Life Examples

Not only did Roz Ryan (OMG Marketing Group) drop some epic nuggets about Facebook Messenger ads for us last week - she also took some time to share examples of how we can use it in our every day business.

Facebook Messenger ads - the proof is in the pudding

There’s one way to know just how Messenger can work for different businesses - take a look at some case studies. Here are a few that effectively showcase what it might do for you.

Ebay: “This or that?” campaign

The psychology is simple.

The auction site capitalised on humanity’s undeniable love to weigh in on issues via the medium of the internet. They picked a polarising issue to entice people into entering a conversation. The question “PS4 or XBox One?” was posed with a link to direct message them to share a preference.

Simple and effective!

Once the customer has messaged Ebay, they are open for personalised marketing from the company - who now know a little bit about their preferences!

Tip: Asking questions is an extremely effective way to encourage engagement: everyone likes to connect, to take their side, to give their five cents, and join a tribe of like-minded individuals.

Kia: Cross Marketing

Car brand Kia used Messenger marketing in a similar way to Ebay.

They partnered with celebrities like Melissa McCarthy and Lebron James for ads which included “message us” as the call to action. These directly linked to their Super Bowl ads.

Kia aimed to be helpful to their customers through Messenger - and it worked.

Results: They reported twice the conversion on engagements further down the funnel (including quote requests, test drive requests and other info seeking) and more than 850,000 messages from 33,000 unique users.

Interviewed by A List, their marketing heads called it “one-to-one marketing at scale”, filling in gaps in the customer journey.

Tip: Use another marketing platform to encourage people to “Message Us!” to open up the lines of communication.

Lego: Quiz + More

Lego ran a campaign offering free shipping for customers who completed the quiz - adding an extra incentive to their “chat to LEGO gift bot” call to action. Their bot was fantastic, and so were their results. 

Results: a tripled conversion rate compared to other conversion-based ad formats, 33% cheaper conversions, and a 6x return on ad spend in some markets.

Tip: Make your Messenger bot fun, interactive and accessible, and customers will engage.

Love Your Melon and HiSmile: re-engage past customers with Messenger

Did you know that online retailers can now send their customers receipts via Messenger?

Love Your Melon (LYM), a philanthropic brand selling hats, clothes and accessories which donates 50% of their profit to charity, is hosted on Shopify. This great platform has native connection to messenger for sending receipts, shipping updates and - crucially for marketers - sponsored messages and notifications about upcoming products.

LYM reached out to past customers who had been sent transactional information via Messenger, with a sponsored message telling them about their new Melon caps. 

Results: A 14 x return on ad spend: almost 20% click-through from Messenger to website at a low cost of $0.15 per click.

Facebook’s policy of only charging for messages which are opened also reduces CPC.
HiSMile took similar advantage of Messenger marketing, re-engaging existing customers with sponsored messages letting customers know about sales and providing them with a discount code, then reminding those that hadn’t purchased towards the end of the sale.

Results: After several months, they received almost ten times the return on ad spend and an 11 times lower cost per PURCHASE when compared to other channels, as well as a much, much higher click through rate.

Tip: Identify ways you can connect with past customers and re-start a conversation.

Tennis Australia: Australian Open ticket sales using Messenger ads

A simple approach of selling tickets through sponsored chat worked well for Tennis Australia. The organisation created an enticing live-action video ad of famous players for hype, and then invited Facebook users to “book now” through Messenger.

Targeting on Facebook is easy, and they aimed the ad towards people aged 18-54 with an interest in the Australian Open or certain tennis players. They purchased  - or didn’t - and the data was used to narrow targeting and also retarget groups who may have been interested but didn’t purchase.

People found booking via Messenger to be easy, so they booked more. Easy ticket sales equals more ticket sales. It’s simple, but effective.

Results: The thing is, you can do all this without using Messenger. But they did use Messenger, and their results were comparatively great: 24x return on ad spend, which was a 20% higher return than similar ads with links to site. The costs per acquisition were down 16%, and in total they saw 4,600 sales. 

Tip: Offer an incentive to encourage people to use messenger to buy or book and create an auto link to your website where they can finish the process. This may add an extra step now, but opens lines of communication for the future!


Roz has extensive background in marketing/sales and has worked in Banking, Finance, Travel, FMCG and Fitness.  Roz is an expert communicator and negotiator ws a proven track record of being amicable when interacting with clients on Facebook and other social media sites.  

Roz  has had dozens of satisfied clients who appreciate her professionalism, quick turn around, and devotion to marketing and social media. Her clients also appreciate the fact that she consistently researches popular trends to remain up to date on the most effective ways to conduct social media marketing. 

When Roz isn't working she is a mum to two boys,  teaches Zumba twice a week and takes a mums group fitness class. She has a passion for fitness  obstacle events and running stairs. Email Roz on roz@onlinemarketinggroup.co.nz