
GRM Half-Yearly Review and Free Downloadables

Goal setting. Social Media Content Calendars. Events + Social Media. Business Manager 101. Chatbots.

It is half-way through 2019 and as we prep for the next six months, we are reflecting on everything we have brought to you in the last year.

Talk about a walk down memory lane.

In addition to social media strategy and content development for our existing clients, it was our goal to help you up your social media game.

Every month we put together the following based on the above topics:

  • 4 educational blogs
  • Relevant tips on our social accounts
  • Monday Night FB Live Videos
  • A DIY downloadable (They are still available!)
  • A GRM deal and offer of service

You see, we believe we are only as strong as our industry. We are a team of passionate agvocates who want to help the NZ agriculture community communicate more effectively in the digital space.

We hope our resources have found helpful homes in your Social Media strategy.

What was your favourite and what do you want to see in the future? Here’s what the team had to say.